Sunday, May 07, 2006

Do Successful Traders Share a Common Temperament?

During a conversation with a fellow trader last night, we got to talking about the emotional component of Forex trading and ended up agreeing that one’s temperament is a pretty good measure of probable success. In the course of the conversation he brought up an interesting question and it was simply this. Which of the characters in the comedy series Seinfeld would have a natural trading advantage - Kramer, George, Elaine or Seinfeld?

Kramer, of course, came off as the big loser. Space cadets chasing dreams that chance from one day to the next don’t stand a chance. George also came off on the short end of the stick because he was rendered helpless by even the smallest inconveniences. We came to the conclusion that Elaine just didn’t have the smarts. Of the four then we believed that Seinfeld showed the greatest promise and for good reason, I think. We both identified with him - not the others.

This, of course, is a pretty inane exercise but it brings up a very good point. To be successful trading the Forex one needs to have the temperament for it. When I got home I did a little research and discovered, a handy website that enabled me to identify my personality type, something you might be well advised to do before you jump in the frey.

I discovered that I’m an ISTJ, an introverted, sensory type of guy, who thinks a lot and is highly judgmental. If you’re a successful trader, I’d love to hear what other temperaments, if any, are well suited to Forex trading.
